
Welcome to Bays United Fury U14 Gold Boys' Blog, your one stop site where you can find out who we are, how we are doing and what our soccer is bringing us.

Fury is a U14 Gold soccer team comprised of boys from Victoria. Our division is comprised of 5 other teams whose talents differ but whose desire to succeed in our league is unquestionable.

Join us and follow our blog as we take on the best in our division and strive to win the title of Divisional Gold Champions for the 2012-2013 Season ~ Let's go!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

BAYS UNITED 0 - GORGE FC 0 after full time
Gorge FC 4 - Bays United 3 after Penalties
Mathew skips away during the second half of our tough game while Ben begins to break free to attack
Although this game was not a final, no one can deny that it sure felt like one. This game was to determine who, out of these two quality teams (both at the top of the division), would go to play in the final to be Southern Vancouver Island's representative for the Provincial B Cup. It promised to be a great game. And no matter what side you are on, this game showed why soccer is such a great sport.
Tyler, phenomenal as always, stops a pass directed to Gorge's tough opponent
FIRST HALF: As the game started, we could all sense the nerves. Erratic passes and hesitation gave us some scary moments at first. However, as the minutes rolled on the momentum began to change. Slowly, we began to settle ~ this was due to the boys hard work and effort. But it was hard. Gorge has to be given a lot of credit for their tenacity, their never ending pressure and their capacity to use their tools to their advantage.
Gabriel fights hard to maintain possession while Thomas begins his run and Robbie begins his
However, as the half went on, our boys began to take control and soon enough the game was back and forth with Bays creating the clearer chances. Our runs on the wings were good, but our defence was even better. I thought that Brandon, Pierce, Jonathan and Tyler were excellent in the first half (and for that matter for the whole game).
A sight to see: Jonathan taking control of the ball while under pressure by Gorge's tough attacker
Koby and Justin ran their bags off. Up front, Mathew showed his skill and Finn, Gabriel and Marcel also worked hard to produce openings.
Koby fights hard for the ball in the midfield
The first half saw us make some shots on goal but they lacked power and confidence. At the back though, were great in the air and stymied Gorge's attacks quite well. Indeed, the first half was battle in the middle of the field for the most part, with some breakaways here and there.

HALF TIME: At half time, we asked the boys to keep their work rate up but to reduce the amount of turn-overs. This has been a difficulty during some games for us. Our turn-overs were taking their toll on us. Making runs and fighting hard to create space is hard enough. Losing the ball because of inaccurate passes makes it even more difficult for the boys making the runs to recuperate. We also asked the boys to continue the pressure and to ensure that their defending was well executed. Last, we asked them to believe in themselves and to be confident that they could win this game.
Half time talk with the boys
SECOND HALF: During the second half, our team took a stronger hold of the game. Our movement of the ball was better, especially at the back. Possession increased. Composure on the ball was better. Our defending continued to be strong and well executed. I particularly liked how we would stop attacks and get ourselves out of tough situations by passing and NOT by just kicking the ball with no purpose. Yes, we did panic at times but for the most part, we maintained control. It was sad to see Justin get hurt and have to come off for the rest of the game - we lost a very influential player. But then Ben stepped in and showed how much he has improved his work rate, his determination and his desire to win.Well done Benny! I must also make mention of Thomas. My boy, you showed a lot of heart in this game. It was unfortunate that as time went by we had to change our strategy but coming off the bench, you demonstrated a lot of character and desire ~ well done Thomas. 
Thomas mounts an attack despite being under pressure from Gorge's center mid
I cannot forget to mention Hamish who once again displayed a good understanding of the game. A hard worker who aims to do what is right for the team, Hamish never complains about how much time he plays and never requests accolades. He simply works hard. Well done Hamish, my respect to you.
Tyler shows how it is done and takes the space with speed
Our team created one excellent chance in the second half. Mathew and Brandon combined well, the ball was crossed in and Robbie managed to control it, turn the defender and take a low shot with his left. However, the shot was too close to the keeper and it was saved. A chance that would haunt us as the game went on. Yet, we kept going. I have to say that the level of positive energy in the team was outstanding today. From the back to the front, none of the boys got down with each other - a wonderful thing to see.

Despite our work, Gorge did not stop coming at us. This is where Aaron shone. He got control of shots, near and far, over and over again. It is important that all of us understand how hard that position is and how fantastic this young man, who has so much responsibility, did today.
Aaron sends the ball up field to set up another attack while Pierce protects the back
After a tough 70 minutes, the game came to an end.

EXTRA TIME: we again told the boys: Keep going. Keep working hard. Keep the pressure. Keep the effort up. We also reminded them to continue to believe in themselves and to help each other.

In the extra time, our team once again kept control of the play but tired legs began to show. The turn-overs began to take an even greater toll. However, the one thing that I loved was how even when they lost the ball, they fought hard to get it back. All of us should be proud of that.
Marcel, surrounded, manages to skip away without losing the ball and kicking it out in panic
The best chance came when after receiving the ball from Mathew, Robbie took a one time shot and directed it to the bottom of the right post of the net. Miraculously, the new goalie for Gorge got down far into the right bottom corner and made a miraculous save. It was an amazing shot, but an even more amazing save. Our team was producing chances and this was good to see.

Mathew cuts away from Gorge's defender while Robbie prepares to join the attack
For his part, our goalie was not to be outdone. Aaron made three fantastic saves, the best one coming in the second half of extra time when the Gorge forward tried to chip him after he had one initial save. Aaron made two saves in a row to keep the ball out. A great display of skill.

The turning point came at the last minute of the game. Mathew received a pass from Robbie after Mathew had broken free from a flat defensive line. Mathew controlled the ball with his left foot and with his right hammered an amazing shot to the top corner. However, it was called offside. So, the question is: was it offside? My answer is simple: whether it was offside or not is irrelevant now. It was called off and we had to keep going.

Soon after, the final whistle came. It was penalties.

PENALTIES: Shoot outs have been called unfair and most people see them as a bad way to decide a game. They are seen as a way to decide a winner which often does not reward the team that had the better game. However, they exist and we had to deal with them.

Our penalty takers, Koby, Jonathan, Mathew, Finn and Robbie (in that order) did what they could. Koby was unlucky on his first - the ball did not go far enough to the corner and Gorge's goalie saved it. But then Aaron made an amazing save on Cole from Gorge. It was tied. Then our boys continued scoring ~ Jonathan took a great one. Gorge then scored too. Mathew also scored to keep us in the game but unfortunately Finn's shot sailed over the top even though he properly aimed to the top corner. It was a hard blow for this young talented player.

In the end, Gorge's goalie scored the last goal and won the game for them. It was indeed a tough lost.

You know, watching Koby and Finn break down after their kicks made me realize how hard this was on ALL the boys. It showed that they care and that they did all they could to come on top. I feel proud of them and I hope all of us recognize their efforts.

FINAL THOUGHTS: this loss was a tough pill to swallow. Our team is amazing. We have quality from the very back to the very top. Our team has improved from where they were at the beginning of the season, has become strong and our boys have all become better players.

I also urge you to recognize the good things. The way they played on Saturday was fantastic. The boys fought hard. We did not rely on kick and run. We worked hard to pass the ball. The boys supported each other and even when we lost possession they did their best to gain possession back. They maintained a positive attitude with each other and were complimentary of one another.

Brandon takes off from two defenders showing prowess and determination
There is lots more to write but I will end with just a couple of things:

1. This game was big. It is in these games where players learn the most and what it takes to win. No matter what happened, all of us must think of this as a learning experience ~ in the end, what we want is better players, and based on what I saw today, I truly believe we are going the right way.

2. Let's not get lost on specific actions by any of the boys. In the end, I take responsibility for the decisions we made and will accept any slack that comes from this game. Bottom line: we should be proud of our players. 

So with that we end our Cup Run. Don't worry ~ our boys are only 14! They got many years of soccer playing to come so please do not see this one game as the end.

I thank all of you for all your support. We got other things to worry about now: more league games and yes, District Cup.

My commitment is unwavering ~ I hope your support is the same.

Have a great long weekend and see you at practice.


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