
Welcome to Bays United Fury U14 Gold Boys' Blog, your one stop site where you can find out who we are, how we are doing and what our soccer is bringing us.

Fury is a U14 Gold soccer team comprised of boys from Victoria. Our division is comprised of 5 other teams whose talents differ but whose desire to succeed in our league is unquestionable.

Join us and follow our blog as we take on the best in our division and strive to win the title of Divisional Gold Champions for the 2012-2013 Season ~ Let's go!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Our season has begun ~ Let the games begin!

Bays United U14 Gold Boys on September 16, 2012
Welcome all! - Let me start by congratulating the boys on wining the first ever Island Premier Cup tournament on the Labour Day weekend. The boys won their division after going an exciting final against an amazingly talented U13 Gold Bays team ~ Well done guys!

After that, we began our season with a great game on Saturday September 8 against Peninsula FC. The beginning of the game was a without a doubt a bit nerve-wrecking. But that is understandable. First game, first time playing together as a team, first time all the parents are out, etc.

The jitters were palpable and within 15 minutes we saw a good goal by Peninsula. Despite that, the talents of our team began to show and not long after we tied the game after a great pass from the wing found a wide open Finn who put the ball at the back of the net after getting away from his defender. Soon after, we found ourselves taking the lead. Robbie received a ball through the middle and even though he had the shot, he passed a through ball to Gabe who with only two touches put the ball in the back of the net.  Moments after, a bad clearance by the goalie landed at Robbie's feet. He quickly took on the goalie and despite having a defender by his side, Robbie scored our third goal. Half time arrived.

In the second half, the boys settled more. The passing was much better and the amount of turn overs decreased. Movement of the ball was a bit better too. It was through this movement and passing that during an attack, the ball was cradled by Robbie who quickly set the ball for Koby to take a shot ~ and what a shot it was. Koby scored from about 25 yards and hit the top left corner. It was indeed a great goal and gave us the 4 -1 lead. A bit later, Gabe took on the outside players of Peninsula with another display of raw speed and scored yet again. His second, our fifth. Last, towards the end of the game, as Thomas controlled the ball inside the box, he was pushed off the ball. Foul. Koby stepped and put the goal away. Our sixth of the day.

I am sure the boys enjoyed the win and in my view they deserved it so. I want to make sure that all of you understand that even though only some of you scored, the team can only win if the entire team works hard. I think we have to give big props to our amazing defensive line: Brandon was outstanding in destroying any play the other team tried to put around him, Jonathan was solid with distribution and reading the game, Marcel and Tyler showed their speed and understanding that they have to attack as well as defend; Justin worked hard as always and set an example for all the boys to follow. Ben and Hamish also worked hard and adjusted to what the team needed, showing that they are all about the team. And of course, Aaron, was as always, reliable and solid in goal. His drop kicks were fantastic.

So with all that I hope that you  continue to read our blog every week to find out how things go in each game we play. Through this blog, I'll also post my views of the game and give the boys some tips on what we did well and what we can improve on.

Cheers and see you at practice!


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